Locksmith In Vinton, Salem, Roanoke, and Bedford VA
Locked your keys in your car or truck or are you locked out of your home? Roanoke24 Locksmith can be on the scene to help you get back in your locked car or home. As a locksmith in Roanoke we get calls every day from people just like you that have accidentally locked themselves out. We have safe, fast, and affordable methods to unlock your car or home in an emergency lock-out situation.

Locked Out Of A Home, Apartment, Office, or Business?
Roanoke24 Lock Service can pick and bypass most locks that may have you locked our of your home or business. In rare cases if you have a high security lock or pickproof lock on your door, we may have to drill and replace your lock. We can pick/bypass 90% of the locks we encounter. We have 20 years experience and have seen almost every scenario possible, give us a call if you need help.
Locked out of a Car or Truck?
We can get you back in to your car or truck fast. Don’t wait hours on someone when we can get someone to you within minutes if you are in the Roanoke Area. We can unlock 95% of all makes and models of cars. Our fee for unlocking vehicles can vary depending on the hour/time of day, type of vehicle, and distance (how far away you are from our mobile technician).